FSB Small Business of the Year 2010

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Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Canine Blood Donor Session

Bracket here!! Reckon if I keep eating everything I can find between now and December 2nd 2010 I will be big enough to give blood? - No, nor do I but... I'm willing to give it a try!! You see I am only 6.74kg and I need to be 25kg to give blood at Broad Lane Vets Pet Blood Bank donor session. Them big dogs get loads of fuss, free blood screening, a goody bag of food (my favourite!!) and a great bandana! I would look fab in a new bandana - you know how they suit me, my human friends.
Most people are well aware of the important work of the “National Blood Service” run by the NHS for humans. But have you ever considered what would happen if your pet required a blood transfusion? These may be needed following a road traffic accident, during surgical procedures and in many diseases, and are as important in pets as they are in people.
In the past, many veterinary practices have simply not been able to offer blood transfusions as a treatment option. However here at Broad Lane, we have long recognised the life-saving benefits of transfusions. Until recently, we have relied on blood donated mainly by pets belonging to our staff (like Max, Megan and Veda).
“Pet Blood Bank UK” is a registered charity, and is the first formal pet blood bank in the UK. PBBuk collects blood from volunteer pets, and this is where you can help. These volunteers are mainly much-loved family pets, and what they all have in common is that their owners understand that by making a blood donation, their pet can make a real difference in saving the life of another pet.
My mum and her colleagues at Broad Lane Vets decided to help PBBuk in its vital work, by holding regular blood drives on its premises. If you would be interested in your pet taking part, they would be really pleased to hear from you.
You need to be bigger than me! Over 25kg, and meet the following criteria:
1-8 years of age
Vaccinated in the last 12 months
Fit and well and not on any medications (except flea and worm treaments)
Not having travelled abroad
If female, never had puppies
Good temperament
Microchipped (if not,contact the surgery to arrange this)
Why can't I be big then I could be 'a Hairy Hero'.
Contact Kerry or Lisa at the surgery if you want to get involved.
Well, back to the food bowl, and sniffing out where the nurses keep their dinner! If only I could reach the fridge door handle.......