FSB Small Business of the Year 2010

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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

All change - except my doggy treats

Well it's been a few weeks since I had a chat with my fans so... Hello - It's me, Bracket, the resident practice superstar. Adored throughout the woods, fussed by all the staff and fed by everyone who has the misfortune to see my pathetic puppy, head cocked on-one-side look! There's been a lot happening at Broad Lane Vets recently (apart from my words per minute type speed increasing). They have a new computer and IT system. The old one needed an upgrade - It's been there longer than all us practice pets! The staff say a big thankyou to all the clients for putting up with them whilst they learn how to use it, in the consulting rooms and on reception. It's really different from the old system, and some of the older humans here aren't techy! Me, I've spent hours on people's laps helping transfer data - I know I've been a great help on those keyboards - They keep on saying 'That's enough for now Bracket', and putting me on the floor with a treat. They are so grateful! It's taken longer than they hoped to move data, despite having the installation on a Sunday, and all training in advance. Apparently the old and new systems did not like speaking to each other so they have had to do a lot manually - Who's ever heard of a talking computer!!! Talking of Sundays have you heard the news? Broad Lane Vets, at their 255 Broad Lane Surgery, now open on a Sunday from 11am 'til 3pm. You can make an appointment or drop in on the day. There is more information on the news page of our website. Well enough gossip as I need to go and help in the office with the stock control files (and have a few cuddles whilst I'm at it). Wait... I can definitely smell scotch egg somewhere so I'll blog off for now and... no time Freida might get there first... gotta go!