FSB Small Business of the Year 2010

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Friday, 24 May 2013

Following the recent measles outbreak could our pets face a similar problem?

The PDSA has found that 50 per cent of our pets are currently not vaccinated:

Report finds 11million pets may face early death

New figures from the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) have demonstrated that 11million UK pets are vulnerable to preventable diseases.

The research suggests that while 40 per cent of owners would risk their own lives to save their pet, nearly 50 per cent of pets are not vaccinated or neutered to protect them from disease.

A spokesman said: "More than 11 million pets could die prematurely in the next decade from devastating preventable illnesses such as parvovirus, feline leukaemia and certain forms of cancer because their owners are failing to vaccinate or neuter them."

Two surveys in 2007 and 2010 by the National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) also found that those who do not regularly vaccinate their pet do not believe it's relevant to their situation. Those who did vaccinate regularly felt that being a responsible pet owner meant preventing disease.

"Perhaps to some extent vaccination has been a victim of its own success, with many owners not seeing the infectious diseases that vaccines prevent in their pets or the pets of their friends," said Donal Murphy, technical executive and veterinary surgeon at NOAH.

"Yet once the level of vaccination in the population drops, the disease incidence starts to rise," he added.

Visit the PDSA website for more information on the report.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Broad Lane's great Tea Party

What a great start to the week! Yesterday we definitely did not have that Monday feeling.
Today at the surgery we held an All-Day Tea Party to celebrate Veterinary Nursing Month 2013, not that they would let me, Stumpy, carry the cakes! They said with my track record I’d better stay in the office - honestly. This year is the 50th anniversary of the profession so well worth celebrating I think. After much deliberation the ‘grown ups’ decided to have a tea party. I think it’s because we all love our cakes and a good pot of tea!
Monies were agreed to split between our chosen charity for 2013: Hounds for Heroes  www.houndsforheroes.com and The Blue Cross for Pets Paws for Tea Campaign www.bluecross.org.uk
The Blue Cross was chosen for 2 reasons 1). This month across the country they are encouraging people to hold charity tea parties 2). They are currently doing some great outreach work with teenagers encouraging them to look at the issues surrounding ‘status dogs’, and teaching them general pet welfare. So far over 30,000 teenagers have taken part in their road-shows.
The four legged brigade said all their owners have spent the weekend baking, with delicious smells coming from their kitchens, and even the odd falling treat! Lovely Dawn co-ordinated the setting up. I offered to blow up the balloons – well…you can imagine the response. I even offered to guard the cakes but yes you guessed…back to the office. Tea, coffee and cakes were served downstairs all day with lots of our great clients just popping in to say hello.
You should have seen Bracket’s mum’s cake. WOW. A masterpiece, with mini nurses and lots of the pets we treat to decorate it. Clever clogs you live with Bracket!

Lisa, my office slave, was on CWR radio with Vic Minnett to talk about our cakes – my mouth was watering.   
After my afternoon nap guess what Dawn came up with… you’ve guessed it a slice of cake all for me.
The diet starts tomorrow! 
PS We raised £100.00 for our chosen charities.