Over the last year you will be aware we have had lots of building work and renovations to our Broad Lane site. With our 7 day a week opening, and late nights, we were unable to do this when closed so thank you all for putting up with the disruptions this has now and then caused.
Our staff love the changes and we hope you do too.
There's still a bit to do! Our waiting room is planned next, and then our dog kennels.
Here are some images of what we have achieved so far.
6 consulting rooms with air conditioning for you and your pet's comfort.

Refurbished clinical areas
Digital Radiography

Imaging room with Ultrasound and Endoscopy
Modern suite of Operating Theatres

Cat and small pet hospital unit to ensure a peaceful and stress-free recovery for your pet.
Separate access if you have a pet who finds a trip to the vets more stressful than others. Chat to reception who can advise staff of your individual needs.
And finally a new staff and training
room for our lovely team!