Now I really must put things straight - I can't have that blasted black Labrador hogging all the limelight! He can't even bark, so I'm certainly not going to let him take over all the blogging in his Second language!
My name is Freddie, I'm ginger, I'm mean and I'm Max's brother (only by adoption, I hasten to add!) I was Elly's first son; before she brought that smelly dog home! When I was a tiny kitten me and my two sisters were brought in to Broad Lane Vets by one of those nice Cats Protection people, because we'd been abandoned and had Cat 'Flu. The Cats Protection is a great charity; they care for unwanted cats, rehome them, pay for veterinary treatment if they're poorly, and even subsidise the cost of neutering if owners can't afford it. Broad Lane Vets work closely with the Cats Protection and particularly their fosterers; they're people who volunteer their time to take on cats and kittens until they can find them a permanent home. They're very dedicated - I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for them. If you're interested in the work they do, have a look at
Once Elly had treated my Cat 'Flu I started feeling much better. I still get occasional runny noses, as once you've had it you become a lifelong carrier. One of the worst times was when I moved house; like most cats, I hate change! Any stress tends to trigger a flare-up, and I got really snotty then, but Elly treated me and I soon got used to my new home. What really annoyed me was when I found out that for a few pounds you can vaccinate against Cat 'Flu; which would have avoided me ever getting poorly in the first place! I wish my first owners had bothered to get me vaccinated, but never mind, at least I've got a good home now!
Better get back to Max now; need to put him in his place; a couple of left hooks with my claws (semi-) retracted should do it! Byeee! Fred.
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