FSB Small Business of the Year 2010

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Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Wonky knees and all

Greetings dear friends!

We haven’t met before. I am Bruno and am nearly 10 years old, but must say , I neither feel nor act my age. There is just so much to see and do all the time, that I really have to rush round and sniff where I can, just in case I miss something.
When I was younger, I have had quite a bit of trouble with my knees. In total I have had 3 operations on my knees. And although they look fine now, I must be a bit more carefully. Two of the operations I have had at ‘Willows Referrals’. They really know their stuff, I must say and I did enjoy all the special attention I got there. My owner tells me that the referral centre has moved to a state of the art facility in Solihull. It is said to be well posh and the service and care is second to none. Having said that, I would rather not do my knee in again, thank you very much, it is uncomfortable. Luckily I am well looked after. My waist line is being monitored so that I don’t put on too much weight, which could make any arthritis I have worse. I also get food supplements to help lubricate my joints and my exercise is being monitored. Even though I am not allowed to run around like crazy, I am still allowed to go for jogs and do enjoy a spot of swimming if I may J See, there is still life in the old dog yet J

Monday, 21 June 2010

Percy's hard day!

Well, I had a busier than usual day today. Kerry was concerned about a bald spot on my head, so I had to go into the surgery to have some tests done. Fortunately, the tests are very straightforward and Kerry will have the results in just a couple of days. I spent the day hiding under my bed in a kennel - the nurses were all very kind and spent lots of time trying to reassure me - just like they did for all the other poorly animals in today. There were several cats and dogs in for routine operations, as well as a very old cat on a drip. Apparently he has got problems with his kidneys. He was feeling much better today after being on a drip for 24 hours.
I was glad to get home, back to my normal routine of eating and sleeping. Choosing whether to sleep on the sofa or the armchair is generally energetic enough for me, although now the weather is better I do have the occasional wander round the garden. Because I'm so lazy, Kerry keeps a close eye on what I eat - not that I'm bothered about my waistline you understand, but Kerry's always telling me that if I get fat I'll be at risk of heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. A lot of people apparently don't realise how many problems us cats can get if we put on too much weight - good thing the nurses at Broad Lane run free weight clinics for dogs and cats.
Well, I've used my brain more than enough for today, there's a lot more sleeping to be done now.


Well there's still time if you want to take advantage of our latest offer! June 2010 is National Pet Microchipping Month. Until the 30th June Broad Lane Vets is offering identichips, including registration fees, for the amazing price of £10 (mammals only). Don't miss out on this great offer - Book your appointment today. Available at Broad Lane, Kenilworth Road and our Radford surgeries.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Radio Ga-Ga

Max here! I've been a bit confused lately, as sometimes I've been hearing my mom Elly's voice when she's not at home - I was worried there might be something wrong with me! But my brother Fred the cat is much cleverer than me, and explained it was the radio I was listening to. It seems Elly's been on BBC Radio Coventry & Warwickshire a couple of times, and has apparently been in the local papers too (I can't read, but I've seen the photo!) Its all to do with winning the FSB Small Business of the Year Award. I don't really understand it, but Fred says we should be very proud, as it means our mom works at a really good veterinary practice. You can still catch some of the radio interview from the Mark Powlett show on 8th June at 3:20pm if you go online onto the BBC i-player. I might see if I can listen again later on the computer, but I might need help with the keyboard, as my paws are a bit big!