FSB Small Business of the Year 2010

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Monday, 21 June 2010

Percy's hard day!

Well, I had a busier than usual day today. Kerry was concerned about a bald spot on my head, so I had to go into the surgery to have some tests done. Fortunately, the tests are very straightforward and Kerry will have the results in just a couple of days. I spent the day hiding under my bed in a kennel - the nurses were all very kind and spent lots of time trying to reassure me - just like they did for all the other poorly animals in today. There were several cats and dogs in for routine operations, as well as a very old cat on a drip. Apparently he has got problems with his kidneys. He was feeling much better today after being on a drip for 24 hours.
I was glad to get home, back to my normal routine of eating and sleeping. Choosing whether to sleep on the sofa or the armchair is generally energetic enough for me, although now the weather is better I do have the occasional wander round the garden. Because I'm so lazy, Kerry keeps a close eye on what I eat - not that I'm bothered about my waistline you understand, but Kerry's always telling me that if I get fat I'll be at risk of heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. A lot of people apparently don't realise how many problems us cats can get if we put on too much weight - good thing the nurses at Broad Lane run free weight clinics for dogs and cats.
Well, I've used my brain more than enough for today, there's a lot more sleeping to be done now.

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