We see it almost every day, and constantly
warn clients about it, yet somehow even we don’t expect it – yes, last week one
of our own cats came home with fleas. ‘How could this happen to me?’ was the cry - Well, the
answer was very simple. Like many people, they forgot to apply their cat’s flea
preventative for the past few months.
The weather is getting colder and our pets
are not going out as much. With everything else going on this time of year the
monthly treatments for fleas just slips our minds. It sure is a wakeup call,
however, to find the tell-tale rusty brown dirt on your pet’s favourite bed.
And let’s face it, fleas are downright
creepy. They eat blood and leave their faeces all over your pet, not to mention
the fact that they can live in your carpets and even jump up and bite you. But
at the same time, they’re pretty amazing little creatures.
Here’s a few facts you may not know:
… there are more than 2000 species of fleas
around the world? 63 of these are found in the UK, and 10 of these can be found
in our own homes. The most common species seen however, is called Ctenocephalides
felis, which although it is commonly called the cat flea can also
be found on dogs.
… fleas are responsible for spreading the
Bubonic Plague in people, and myxomatosis in rabbits.
… fleas can jump up to 150 times their own
length, and consume 15 times their own body weight in blood daily.
… a female flea can lay about 50 eggs a day,
and once these new fleas mature, they can each bite up to 400 times a day. Add
all that up and you’ve got one miserable cat.
If you need advice on fleas make a free
appointment with one of our Registered Veterinary Nurses who will give you all
the help you need.