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Thursday, 17 October 2013

Antifreeze poisoning

We have heard of local cases of antifreeze poisoning in cats in the local area over the last few weeks, so thought you might like a little more information on the subject.
Please be aware of this hidden danger with your pets. Unfortunately many animals like the taste of antifreeze, but ingesting even the smallest amount can lead to kidney failure and death, especially in cats.

How do you keep your pets safe?
Accidental poisonings due to spills and leaks from containers, as well as leaking water coolant from cars happen every year and often results in the death of pets. Some could be avoided by you making regular checks of your car to ensure it is not leaking water coolant. Take great care when storing, using and disposing of antifreeze and water coolant from cars. 
Always keep antifreeze in clearly labelled, robust, sealed containers, high up and away     from pets. 
Clean up any spills immediately, no matter how small, making sure pets cannot access the area until it is clean and safe.
Always dispose of antifreeze safely and responsibly. Contact your local authority for advice on this. 

What if I suspect antifreeze poisoning in my pet?
Sadly there are times when no matter how careful you are an accident happens. If you suspect your pet has come into contact with antifreeze, or leaked water coolant get help from us immediately:
Symptoms include:
Seeming depressed or sleepy 
Appearing drunk and uncoordinated 
Seizures (fits) 
Difficulty breathing 
Increased thirst 
Increased urination 

Signs of antifreeze poisoning can start to show as soon as 30 minutes after ingestion, though it can be two or three days before signs of kidney failure are seen.

Remember the sooner your pet receives veterinary treatment, the better their chances of survival. 

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