FSB Small Business of the Year 2010

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Thursday, 7 November 2013

Pet Smile Month

Well our pets don't smile in the same way we do, but they do have a great set of teeth that are designed to last a lifetime. So regular care is essential to help ensure they stay firmly in place!
How does dental disease happen? Firstly a soft sticky substance called plaque, consisting of food debris and bacteria, adheres to the teeth. If not removed, it gradually builds up to form a hard scale known as tartar, which can lead to inflamed and infected gums (gingivitis). As a result of this we see bad breath, tooth decay, and possible bone loss meaning your pet could begin to lose teeth. In severe cases, oral infections can spread via the bloodstream to affect other internal organs like the liver, kidneys and heart.

But.... we are here to help. Regular brushing, dental checks and feeding your pet a good diet will assist in keeping their teeth and gums healthy. If you would like to know more, then make a free appointment at one of our surgeries, where our nurses can also show you how to brush your pets' teeth, to help them stay in tiptop condition.
If your pet’s teeth are beyond the help of tooth brushing, then we are fully equipped with an ultrasonic scaler and dental machine. We are able to offer scale and polish procedures and can also undertake more advanced dentistry, including tooth extractions, as required. Until the end of November 2013 we are having a Pet Smile Month with free oral examinations by our qualified nurses and discounts on our scale and polishes. Give us a call on 02476 464789 for more information or visit www.broadlanevets.co.uk
Rabbits are particularly prone to teeth problems, and our dental machine enables fast, effective burring, thereby reducing anaesthetic time and risk.

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