FSB Small Business of the Year 2010

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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

How can we mourn the loss of our pet?

With the recent loss of Max we began to think again about the process of mourning the loss of a treasured friend. The situation is so different for all involved and needs to be looked at from all sides.
Initially we feel we need to be honest about the variety of feelings being felt, and to discuss them with someone you trust. We have laughed and cried over the last few days. If anyone is going through the same these are some suggestions our clients have offered us to help in the mourning process. Please message us if you would like to share other ideas.
·         Saved your pet’s lead or collar and put it in a special place
·         Have your pets ashes cremated and placed into a special casket
·         Scatter your pet’s ashes in a favourite location, or on a favourite walk.
·         Share favourite memories of your pet with loved ones
·         Plant a flowering perennial in honour of your pet
·         Have a memorial to your pet made, and placed in your garden
·         Keep a tuft of hair from your pet
·         Have a picture of your pet painted
·         Make a scrapbook with pictures of times with your friend
·         Bury your pet in a sacred location (e.g., pet cemetery)
·         Visit a local pet rescue and spend some time with other animals who also might benefit from your love
·         Think about (at some later point) adopting a pet needing a warm, safe home
·         Volunteer to help a rescue group or pet shelter
·         Teach school children about proper pet care and the importance of pets in their lives
·         Financially or physically support the pet of an elderly friend or relative who may no longer have the income or physical ability to provide for his or her constant companion.

If you have trouble getting over your loss, you may want to consult a person trained in dealing with complex grieving problems.
Further help can be found at:

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