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Monday, 31 December 2012

Bracket’s New Year's Resolution!

Oh hi again Bracket here! A New Year’s resolution? That sounds like fun. Can I do one now? Can I, can I, please?! Right, OK, what should I try? How about slobbering less? Could do but that would be very difficult and I think Mum would miss it, she always shouts with delight when I give her a big kiss, especially first thing in the morning when she hasn’t seen me for ages! 

I love walks, what about going on more? With Mum obviously, that time I tried it on my own wasn’t so successful. A lady caught me and I ended up at the vets! Mum soon came to collect me - she said it was a good thing I had a chip - I like chips, especially the crunchy ones she doesn’t eat. Anyway, yes, walks, I love them but wish I could go off the lead more (that’s why it was so much fun when I went on my own!). Mum doesn’t let me much but I love to run. I know she gets a bit cross when I don’t come back straight away but it is so brilliant to run - it’s what we dogs are made for! I suppose I would go back if she made things more interesting, like playing games or having even more treats. Well I am very good at commands, but then again I don’t want her to know that – I just pretend my doggy brain needs to be reminded that way I get my beloved treats! So, more walks where I can run, yes, that would be it! Now, where’s Mum, I feel a good slobber coming on!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Sheepdogs begin their seasonal duties

Two Norfolk sheepdogs have swapped their title for "turkey dogs" to begin their seasonal job at rounding up free-range turkeys.

9-year-old Flo and 6-year-old Meg round up the birds from the fields of the family-run farm.

Owner Steve Childerhouse said his dogs make the festive job much easier. “The collies have that instinct to round things up,” he said. “It is just in their nature, and they would never hurt anything.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Teddy and Bear's Big Day!

Well, what a day we had last week! Generally our days are taken up with eating, sleeping, playing, scratching wallpaper, playing some more, scratching furniture, eating and sleeping some more, taking washing off the clothes horse, and any other mischief we can get our paws on. But last Tuesday, it was a big day for us. Turns out we were old enough to be castrated. We weren’t really sure what to expect, but we needn’t have worried at all.

The biggest problem for us was that we weren’t allowed any breakfast that morning. No matter how loud we cried, and scratched Kerry’s legs, she didn’t give in. Apparently if we had eaten breakfast, there would have been a risk of us vomiting under the anaesthetic, which can be very dangerous. When we got to the surgery, we were put in a kennel together, so we could cuddle up together, and we had a nice warm comfy bed, and a blanket to hide under if we wanted to – although we spent most of the time at the front of the kennel seeing what was going on. That way we got more attention from the nurses! The nurses were all very kind, and did give us plenty of fuss and cuddles.

About 11am, one at a time, we were taken out of our kennels and given an injection of anaesthetic. One of us was very brave – Bear – but one of us did cry a little bit – Teddy – (but that got me an extra cuddle!). The next thing we knew, we were waking up in our warm comfy kennel. We didn’t feel any pain at all – Kerry said that was because of the pain relief we had been given. Kerry also told us that while we were under anaesthetic, we had a microchip implanted. This means that if we ever went missing, or got injured when we’re out and about, we could always be traced back to Kerry. The way it works is that if we were found and taken to any vets, or the RSPCA, or Cat’s Protection, they would scan us, find the chip number, and then be able to get in touch with Kerry through the national microchip database. Sounds like a very good idea to us!

When we got home, we were still a bit sleepy – but that didn’t stop us wanting food! Kerry only gave us a small amount to start with – which we weren’t impressed about, but she said she wanted to make sure we weren’t going to be sick. As we weren’t sick, later that evening, she gave us a bit more. The other thing we have been told, is that now we have been castrated, our metabolic rate will slow down – which basically means we need less food. That doesn’t sound like good news to us, but it’s better in the long run, as if we get fat, we will be at much more risk of many health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.

Well that was our big day – off to find something else to chew or scratch now!

Friday, 30 November 2012

Cats could not be more different to dogs. Good luck to any of you who try to put an outfit on your moggy! – That said, one of our nurses Carys regularly dresses Tristan – see him on our blog in his Halloween dress up. Cats are however an important member of the family, and should have something under the tree! Don’t buy them one big expensive toy though, get them several cheaper ones instead. Cats will play with anything new that appears but once they have done this for a couple of days, they are likely to ignore it. Keep a box of toys and change them round regularly. This will ensure they always have something to keep them interested.
Great buys for cats include activity toys like fishing rods or anything on a string, igloo beds (cats love to hide but make sure you put them somewhere high up) and water fountains.And don’t forget them during advent we have some great feline advent calendars available at all 3 of our surgeries.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Dogs and Christmas gift ideas

In the second part of our Christmas gifts for your pet series we are thinking about our canine friends. Dogs are such intelligent, social and active creatures who are in possession of their own extremely efficient furry coats. This means that they do not need an extensive wardrobe of clothes!

The range of outfits you can buy for them is incredible, and yes they might look cute dressed up as a Christmas tree, or in a t-shirt that says ‘Terrier(ist)’ but who is it really for ? Not your dog. Of course, some dogs do feel the cold but a simple padded jacket is fine, or perhaps once they are out, they could run around... they’ll soon be warm then! Doggy accessories that are worth purchasing are decent collars and leads, halti harnesses (for those who pull) and a few sturdy toys (we love the kong range). These will keep them occupied on walks,  or to play with in the home.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Ideal Christmas gifts for your bunny

As the dark evenings drawn in, and the carols have already been playing for weeks – Christmas we know is around the corner! With work, carol singing and family commitments we often end up leaving everything to the last minute, allowing little time to plan the ideal gifts. This then leads to us buying things that aren’t always that suitable. Now, we can’t tell you what not to buy for your Dad (although I’m guessing he doesn’t really want socks again) but we can advise you what not to buy for your pets! Over the next week watch out for our blogs. Today we start with your pet bunny.
There are loads of great activity toys out there for rabbits so please don’t fall back on the usual Christmas treat option! Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in pet bunnies and causes all sorts of issues from dirty bottoms to arthritis. Too many treats can also mean they don’t eat enough hay which can cause problems with their teeth. Rabbits need hay, along with a non-selective food, to help wear down their teeth. Ideal gifts for rabbits include willow chew toys, and the biggest cage and run you can afford! Alternatively if you have a house rabbit you could treat yourself and ‘rabbit-proof’ all the wires, which should ensure there are no unexpected interruptions during the Christmas TV scheduling! Our nurses are happy to offer free weight, nutrition and dental advice consultations for your pet bunnies. Just give them a call at the surgery on 02476 464789, or visit the Rabbit page on our website: www.broadlanevets.co.uk/RabbitsandSmallPets1504.html

Thursday, 22 November 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year

We see it almost every day, and constantly warn clients about it, yet somehow even we don’t expect it – yes, last week one of our own cats came home with fleas. ‘How could this happen to me?’ was the cry - Well, the answer was very simple. Like many people, they forgot to apply their cat’s flea preventative for the past few months.
The weather is getting colder and our pets are not going out as much. With everything else going on this time of year the monthly treatments for fleas just slips our minds. It sure is a wakeup call, however, to find the tell-tale rusty brown dirt on your pet’s favourite bed.
And let’s face it, fleas are downright creepy. They eat blood and leave their faeces all over your pet, not to mention the fact that they can live in your carpets and even jump up and bite you. But at the same time, they’re pretty amazing little creatures.
Here’s a few facts you may not know:
… there are more than 2000 species of fleas around the world? 63 of these are found in the UK, and 10 of these can be found in our own homes. The most common species seen however, is called Ctenocephalides felis, which although it is commonly called the cat flea can also be found on dogs.
… fleas are responsible for spreading the Bubonic Plague in people, and myxomatosis in rabbits.
… fleas can jump up to 150 times their own length, and consume 15 times their own body weight in blood daily.
… a female flea can lay about 50 eggs a day, and once these new fleas mature, they can each bite up to 400 times a day. Add all that up and you’ve got one miserable cat.
If you need advice on fleas make a free appointment with one of our Registered Veterinary Nurses who will give you all the help you need.

Friday, 2 November 2012


A study has found that looking at pictures of cute animals can improve concentration.
It is believed that positive emotion is triggered by cute images, and anything that gives a person happiness, pleasure or joy results in motivation.

Researchers from Hiroshima University in Japan used three groups of students for the study; one group looked at pictures of puppies and kittens, the second looked at adult animals and the third looked at tasty food.
The study found that those students with pictures of puppies and kittens had an increase in performance by an average of 10 per cent.
However, adult animal pictures only improved performance by an average of five per cent, and food pictures had no effect on performance.
The research suggests that the cute pictures can motivate people to perform tasks with greater time and care.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Arthritis in Pets

A big "thankyou" to everyone who attended our "Arthritis in Pets" event last week and made it a great success - we filled the room and were really overwhelmed by the positive response!
Thankyou especially to "Buddy" the dog for entertaining guests as they arrived (pictured) and to Dawn for helping set-up and clear-up. Also thankyou to Elaine Villiers from Corley Pool for her talk on Hydrotherapy, Kath Welland from Oaklands for her presentation on Veterinary Physiotherapy, Richard Webb from Broad Lane Vets for his discussion of Acupuncture, and Kerry and Elly from Broad Lane Vets for their explanations about diagnosis and conventional treatment options.

Look forward to seeing you all at the next event...

...and promise we'll get a microphone and some air-con next time!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Remember remember the 5th November

Did you know that 80% of pets suffer some degree of noise / firework phobia, and ... November is nearly here again. Firework season can be such a scary time for our pets. In this week’s blog we have put together a few hints that will hopefully reduce the stress levels in your household.

Before the firework season starts, provide your dog with a ‘doggy play area, where they can feel safe’. This should be a quiet area, so choose one of the quietest rooms in your home. Train your dog to associate the play area with positive experiences, e.g. by playing games with it. Use a variety of toys and swap them regularly, putting them away when not in use so that your dog doesn’t become bored with them.

Some dogs and cats also appreciate being able to hide when frightened, so providing a ‘pet den’to help them to cope. For example, this could be a wardrobe or a cupboard, packed with old duvets and blankets to make it more comfortable and to help sound-proof the area. It is important that your pet has access to its ‘den’ at all times, even when you’re not at home.

In the run up to fireworks night walk your dog when it is still light outside. This reduces the possibility of fireworks being let off and your dog becoming worried.

Make sure all windows, doors and cat flaps are securely closed during fireworks night. This will reduce the chances of your pets escaping. Have your pet microchipped in case they do escape – Broad Lane Vets is offering microchips at only £10 throughout October 2012.

Provide extra litter trays for cats. Litter trays will be used more as your cat is confined to the house.

Provide distractions, in the form of new toys and chews, during periods when fireworks are occurring. Draw curtains and put the TV on to mask the noise of fireworks being let off. Ignore the firework noises yourself. Play with a toy to see if your dog wants to join in, but don’t force them to play.

If your pet shows any signs of fear, try to ignore their behaviour. Please do not punish your pet! This will only make your pet more distressed, and worse in the long run.

Try not to leave your pets alone when fireworks are going off. Do not try to tempt your cat out of their hiding place. Your pet may hurt themselves during this time.

In the long term, your dog needs to learn to be less afraid of loud noises. With proper treatment this is possible so that the next firework season will be less stressful for you and your dog. We recommend Sounds Scary! - An easy to follow CD therapy pack for dogs which includes CDs, an information booklet and an easy to follow guide. The amount of training needed will vary from dog to dog so owners should start training with the Sounds Scary! CD well in advance of the firework season. Planning ahead can help your dog cope with the firework season. Talk to us now about pheromone diffusers. These disperse calming chemicals into the room and may be a good option for your dog. In some cases we need to prescribe medication. If either of these options is used, we will talk to you about using the in conjunction with behavioural therapy.

And finally don’t forget small animals…

If your pets live outside, partly cover cages, pens and aviaries with blankets so that one area is well sound-proofed. Make sure that your pet is still able to look out. Provide lots of extra bedding so your pet has something to burrow in.

Do come and talk to us there is lots you can do to help your pet.

Monday, 22 October 2012

The colder weather is on its way

Just like us, the winter months can challenge your pets health and wellbeing. While some will bound through the chillier months in full health, we need to be mindful that changes in temperatures and shorter days can have a real impact on the health and happiness of your family pet.

Just as we will wrap up before going out, take precautions against cold temperatures with your pets. Obviously some pets will grow thicker coats to cope with the cold, older pets and some breeds are not quite as lucky so buy them a winter coat to survive the colder temperatures. If you suspect that your pet has caught a chill, quickly wrap them in a warm towel or blanket and rub them down vigorously.

Pets that usually live outdoors, such as rabbits and guinea pigs, should be brought indoors if the temperature falls to single figures or below. Extra bedding and a towel or blanket placed over the top of the hutch will help keep your small furry snug and warm.

Darker mornings and evenings, coupled with colder temperatures, makes it tempting to stay inside but it is still important that your pet gets plenty of fresh air and exercise. Here are a few of our ideas for winter workouts:
◦ Dogs – play games such as tug of war and Frisbee because the more aerobic the activity, the warmer your dog will be; go for walks in a local wood as the trees will shelter you from wind and rain; enrol your dog in indoor agility classes
◦ Cats – use pieces of string, ping pong balls and wind up toys to encourage object play; invest in a scratching post or indoor climbing frame; use large cardboard boxes to play hide-and-seek
◦ Rabbits (and small rodents) – ensure they have a pen available that is big enough for them to run and jump; build a sandpit that they can dig in; play with a ball and let them push it with their noses

Staying warm in the winter takes more energy and so pets spending a lot of time outside, will be burning more calories in order to generate body heat. It may be necessary to increase their calorie intake to account for the cold but please speak to a member of our practice team for more advice on the correct amount to feed your pet, as over-feeding can be just as dangerous as under feeding. And while you monitor their food, it’s also important to check that your pet has access to fresh clean water and that water bottles and dishes haven’t frozen overnight for pets living outside.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Upside-down Sheep

This sheep is apparently living a normal life, despite the fact that it was born with an upside-down head. The animal, named Terry, can be seen happily grazing a field in North Yorkshire.

It is thought that the sheep was born with a twisted spine. The farmer reports he lives happily and has been checked by a vet to ensure he is in no pain. He can eat, sleep and do everything other sheep can.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

A flea in the ear

There’s little doubt that fleas are very unwelcome guests on our pets or in our homes. As is the case with worms, your pet is likely to be at risk of flea infestation if you do not treat it with an appropriate product on a regular basis. And it’s not just the issue of fleas on your pet, if you spot adult fleas on your cat or dog, it is really only the beginning of the problem and most likely signifies that, eggs, larvae and pupae are already in the home.

Unfortunately the flea lifecycle doesn’t just involve the pet, it is also prevalent within the animal’s environment. Indeed, adult fleas on your pet only represent 5% of the problem, the remaining 95% (eggs, larvae and pupae) are in bedding, carpets, cracks and crevices in floors or furniture.

Most cats and dogs will suffer with flea infestation at some point in their lives so be sure to ask us for the best advice, treatment and prevention regimes to keep your pet and home flea-free.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Allesly Park Clean Up 2012

Keeping pets in any environment, urban or rural, requires a degree of consideration to ensure that your pet isn’t a nuisance or danger to other members of society. Following a few simple rules helps to ensure that your pet, whatever the species, can live happily alongside us humans.

• Leave only paw-prints; if you exercise your pet in public spaces, be sure to pick up the faeces which can carry disease. Most busy spaces will have ‘poo bins’ but if not, collect in a bag and dispose of safely in your dustbin.

• Respect others; Not everyone is an animal lover, for a variety of reasons people can be are scared of pets of all shapes and sizes. When you are exercising your pet, be considerate of those in the park or on the path. If someone appears nervous, keep your pet under control and step aside letting them pass.

• Respect other people’s property; this is especially true in rural environments where public footpaths run across private land. Always keep your pet on a lead, and the absolute golden rule – close gates behind you. A gate that is not properly closed can see livestock and people being put at tremendous danger.

With poo in mind have you heard about the big Clean Up in Allesley Park, in conjunction with Channel 4 TV. The community need as many people as possible in Allesley Park, with their dogs, as possible on Saturday 13th October from 10am. Watch the local press and our website www.broadlanevets.co.uk for updates, and further information.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Radio Snail

Vet Elly was on BBC Radio Coventry & Warwickshire on Sunday, discussing the dangers of using slug/snail pellets around pets. "Metaldehyde" is the toxic ingredient. If eaten, it can can cause neurological signs ranging from twitches and tremors to full-blown convulsions, and can be fatal, even in relatively small quantities. Always seek prompt veterinary attention if you think your pet may have eaten slug/snail pellets, and remember to take the packaging with you so your vet has as much information to go on as possible.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Spot The Difference!

Dalmation adopts lamb with spotty coat!

A lamb born in South Australia’s Barossa Valley has been adopted… not by another sheep, but by the breeder’s pet Dalmatian named Zoe! At first glance, the lamb looks much like its “mother” as it sports a black and white coat. It takes most onlookers by surprise on second glance when they realise that the pup is a lamb!

Much to the amusement of breeders John and Julie Bolton, the pair are now inseparable after the spotty lamb was rejected by its mother. Fortunately for the little ewe, who got her markings from the mating of a pure-bred white Dorper ram
with a cross-bred Dorper-Van Rooy ewe, the Dalmatian was happy to adopt her.

It's difficult to tell which is the most confused but Zoe was quick to show the abandoned lamb love and affection; licking her adoptive son affectionately and generally taking care of him. The little lamb happily follows Zoe around the farm and even sleeps inside the dog kennel.

Mrs Bolton said the confused little lamb had even tried to suckle from Zoe, but had to make do with a bottle instead.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Happy Birthday!

                     Happy Birthday, Sarah K!
(We won't tell anyone how old you are tomorrow.... well not here anyway!)

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Princess gives birth

A young stray female cat (now named "Princess") was brought in to us by a member of the public heavily pregnant last week. We took her in, and she gave birth on Friday night , waiting until most people had gone home - the night cleaner noticing something and alerting us she'd gone into labour! Vet Elly stayed and watched her as she had the first kitten no problem, then the 2nd with a helping hand due to being breach position. She then hung onto her 3rd kitten 'til morning, and Vet Nurse Cheryl assisted her in this final birth. All 3 kittens and mum seem happy and healthy, and are doing well!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

A new member for the Olympic Swimming Team?

Max has just been swimming, and so is sporting his smart green dressing gown, which we think rather suits him! He goes to Corley Canine Pool every Saturday or Sunday for his weekly dip. This Hydrotherapy helps with his arthritis, by enabling him to have non-weight-bearing exercise to keep his muscles working and his joints moving. Plus he rather enjoys it, having been a strong swimmer in the sea off the coasts of Devon and Cornwall during holidays in his younger years. Max and his mom (Vet Elly) want to say a big "Thankyou" to Elaine of Corley Canine Pool, for Max's swimming lessons, his dressing gown, and of course his biscuits at the end of the session!

Friday, 10 August 2012

Doberman watches Boxer at Olympics!

As Nicola Adams fought her way to an Olympic Gold medal yesterday, her biggest and most loyal supporter was unable to attend, instead having to settle for watching her on the TV back in their home town of Leeds. This was Dexter, her 10month old pet Doberman! Whilst his owner boxed her way to history, Dexter was being boarded at a luxury kennels, where Nicola made sure he had his own TV on which to watch her progress. During the fourth round he watched particularly intently, mascot in mouth, and pawed at the glass partition separating him from the screen! Ahhhh..

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Ever kissed your pet? Admit it, lots of us have, or at least have come close, intentional or not! Sometimes when we're examining dogs on the consult room table at the practice, and our heads are at the same height, those big canine tongues get us just when we're not expecting it, right on the face with a lovely big schmackeroo! (Just think where those tongues have been..ewww!)

But on a more serious note, could you give your pet the kiss of life in an emergency? Our Senior Vet Elly was on BBC CWR's Vic Minett Show today discussing just this. It was after a news article about a man, in fact a human GP, who resuscitated his tortoise after he found it head down in a bowl of water! Believe it or not, you can indeed do CPR on your pet, but its mouth-to-snout for pets, rather than mouth-to-mouth! Of course, never try it unless your pet has actually stopped breathing, as it can cause harm, and always seek a vet's advice as soon as you can.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Charlie Cheers on Team GB!

Pictured is a photo emailed to us by Charlie's owner. This shows Charlie all decked-out and ready to support Team GB during the London 2012 Olympics. He looks very smart indeed, if somewhat disappointed - perhaps he'd just watched Tom Daley and Pete Waterfield miss out on a medal? Cheer-up, Charlie, things are looking up now, with 4 Golds and counting...!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tuesday is Acupuncture Day

Well hello there again fans, Bracket here. Now them humans at Broad Lane Vets have a new puppy and three pesky kittens to adore I am not getting a look in. I told them I would not go away... so finally I spy an empty computer... I can blog. Richard Webb comes in today. He's a Veterinay Surgeon (and has been at Broad Lane hundreds of years, well... just over 38 years) and has a further qualification making him a qualified Veterinary Acupuncturist - He must be special as he has his own room, and a page on our practice website http://www.broadlanevets.co.uk/ .Mmmm I must ask for one of those, as my mum says I am special, and we all now how adored I am!
Anyway Tuesdays I have planned - I keep asking to go to the toilet so I can chat to the dogs arriving for the acupuncture clinic. They are always a friendly lot, and as they attend regularly we've become great friends - a couple of them use the local woods, and being a looottttttt older than me know all the best places to sniff and chase squirrels. Bliss. Martha's in today, what a character. She has something called arthritis. She sees one of the other vets for tablets, which make her feel much better, but also comes to have acupuncture with Richard. You can use it to treat all sorts of ailments. It works by sticking small needles in certain areas of the body. Richard is sooooooooo clever knowing just where to place these needles. I hate needles but Martha says they don't hurt. She actually enjoys coming along as she gets loads of fuss, treats and apparently a sleep; as the acupuncture makes her so relaxed! She leaves feeling more comfortable - crazy to think needles can make you hurt less?
Oh no spotted ...... Must blog off and pretend to be a normal dog. Booiiinnggggg, bbboooiiiinnnggg, time for walkies is it mum??

Monday, 23 July 2012

What a busy Sunday!

Well, we thought we'd have a quiet one, given the Summer seems to have finally arrived, but we were wrong... Instead, we had a record-breaking Sunday here at Broad Lane - seeing the most pets for a Sunday so far this year. Don't forget, we are open late on weeknights, with the last appointment being 7:30pm, and we're open all day on Saturdays (8:30am - 5pm) as well as 11am-3pm on Sundays, and 9-10am on Bank Holidays, so we're here when you need us!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Party on!

Have you got a new puppy?
Choosing your puppy and bringing them home is so much fun, and then there is feeding, vaccinations, insurance, house-training and everyones lack of sleep to think about.
As well as your pup's physical development it is important to remember their mental development is progressing fast. He will probably learn more about life before the age of 13 weeks than after. As well as learning lots of training instruction in these early weeks, it is important that he has as many life experiences as possible to prevent him becoming worried of different people, dogs and places.
He also needs the opportunity to learn to play, not just with you but with other puppies too. We can help you achieve this at our Puppy Parties.

These allow your pup to meet other pups, and people, at an early age and in a safe environment. They can learn to develop social skills, helping them to deal with other dogs during their exciting lives.
There is lots more information on the Puppy Parties page of our website, or you can give Sarah a call on 02476 464789 to learn more about our parties.   

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Our latest wildlife casualty

Tuesday evening saw the arrival of our latest wildlife casualty. Two members of the public arrived with a very distressed fox entangled in temporary plastic fencing. Lucy and Karina had to anaesthetise him to examine the extent of his injuries, and remove the plastic that was now restricting his breathing, so tight was it around his throat. 
Handling gloves and towels were needed as even in his debilitated state this frightened fox was threatening a nasty bite. 
After treatment with antibiotics the fox's weakened state required rehabilitation before he could be released. Geoff at Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sactuary once again came to our rescue and took him in. Thankyou Geoff!

If you find a sick or injured fox, do not touch it. Even when incapacitated, foxes will regard your presence as aggressive, and could give you a nasty bite.
The thing to do is to keep an eye on the fox, or get somebody else to stay with it, whilst you phone
your local vet, or wildlife sactuary, for advice.
Foxes are subject to injury all the year round, but injury is particularly common between December and February, when they become territorial in preparation for breeding and begin to get reckless and take more chances.
The most commonly sustained injuries we see are;
* Road traffic accidents
* Caught in fencing or wire mesh
* Caught in snares
* Poisonings
* Self inflicted damage as a result of mange
Remember to never drop litter, as these fellas can get into all sorts of scrapes with the most insignificant piece of rubbish. 
The offending rubbish

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Layla joined us at Broad Lane Vets last week. She is the latest addition to our 'animal management team'. We are still deciding where her strengths lie so watch our website for her job title - http://www.broadlanevets.co.uk/ Talking of websites have you visited our new site yet? We are really pleased with it - there is lots of information at your fingertips and lots new pages. Have a look at our offers, newsletter and on-line shop.
Anyway back to Layla. She is a 10 week old Belgian Shepherd Dog and belongs to Kate, a final year student nurse at the practice. Following 3 years of hard work training, Kate will qualify as a Registered Veterinary Nurse next year and join our team of 8 qualified nurses.
Layla is a real character, but so well behaved already. She starts school next week, attending training classes in Allesley Park with Niki at http://www.soundhoundsdogtraining.co.uk/ . Kate brought Layla to our Puppy Party last Monday, at the Broad Lane Surgery, where she met 7 other puppies. She learnt some basic puppy care, had a go at brushing Layla's teeth, tried some basic dog training and enjoyed puppy playtime. After the party she, of course, had a party bag holding lots of goodies to enjoy at home.
If you would like to know more about the free of charge Puppy Parties, held each week at the surgery give us a call on 02476 464789.

Monday, 18 June 2012

He is sooooo naughty

o        He was only left alone for a few minutes on Sunday. The surgery was really busy and... so was Stumpy. He is so mischievous (and destructive!). Not finding anything edible to eat he went in hunt of well.... take a look for yourself. Previously he has eaten till rolls, a boardgame, credit cards, shoes, a mobile phone, handcream but never anything quite so iridescent. On this occasion his mum, Elly, found it rather hard to be annoyed with him - we cannot imagine why.Obviously his favourite colour is pink! He would however like you all to know that he sat beautifully for his bath.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Max is having swimming lessons

Thankyou to Elaine at Corley Canine Pool who is teaching Max to swim. He may be an old man but he is really benefitting from his hydrotherapy sessions.
Hydrotherapy is used to help in many such as arthritis, CDRM, spondylosis, cruciate ligament injury, dysplasia and to help with general weight loss. Max, who belongs to Veterinary Surgeon Elly, has Degenerative Joint Disease, leaving him with reduced mobility. Alongside his medication Max goes swimming and has acupuncture, both proven to help with his medical condition. 
Hydrotherapy is non-weight bearing exercise, proven to have therapeutic effects. He swims once a week as well as having acupuncture from Richard Webb, Veterinary Surgeon and qualified acupuncturist, who holds clinics at Broad Lane Vets in Coventry.
Max's owners, and staff at the surgery, have seen a real improvement in Max's mobility since receiving these complementary medicines. He is certainly more comfortable and eager for a walk. But... his favourite part, being a Labrador, is the food treat he receives at the end of his session.
Interesting fact:
Did you know a six minute swim is equivalent to a five mile walk, in toning the muscles of the body. 

Friday, 1 June 2012

Queenie and the snake bite

Poor Queenie got the fright of her life when out walking with her mum and dad earlier this week. On holiday, in Norfolk, the 4 year old West Highland White Terrier was bitten on the face by an adder - one of only 2 breeds of venomous snakes, living in the wild, in the UK. 
Broad Lane Vets received a phonecall from the worried owners as they were on their way home to Coventry. Although initially Queenie seemed alright she was now uncomfortable, and reluctant to eat or drink. Whilst they were en-route one of our vets set off in our animal ambulance to collect an anti-vemon required to treat the condition. As soon as she arrived the team were ready to admit her to the hospital for intensive care nursing. Our registered veterinary nurses worked alongside the vets monitoring her throughout the day as she received the antivenom, and fluids, recommended by the Veterinary Poisons' Service.
We are thrilled to say Queenie has now made a full recovery and is due in for her final review today

There are approximately 100 adder bites reported in the UK each year. Although the symptoms can be serious the last recorded death from an adder occurred in this country in 1975. Adder bites can be very painful, often requiring hospital treatment. Symptoms include pain, swelling, vomitting and faintness.       

Friday, 11 May 2012

Visit the Optician

If you have been to see your optician recently you may be familiar with our latest toy. We have just purchased a tonometer. When your optician checks to see if glaucoma is present they use a tonometer to measure the pressure within your eye (intraocular pressure). Intraocular pressure is the pressure exerted against the outer layers by the eyeball. This increased pressure can be painful, and may result in loss of sight due to damage to the retina and optic nerve. Early diagnosis can often prevent the loss of sight.
Certain breeds are more likely to suffer from glaucoma. In our canine friends the disease is frequently seen in Cocker Spaniels, Terriers, Siberian Huskies, Poodles, Beagles, Jack Russells, Bassett Hounds and Dalmations. It can however occur in all pets, as with people.
If you have any concerns about your pet's eyesight we can perform tonometry on your friend. Many people choose to have their intraocular pressure checked annually, at the time of their pet's health check and vaccinations.


Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Vaccination Amnesty 2012

If your pet cat or dog has not had a vaccination in the last 18 months ask about Broad Lane Vets Vaccination Amnesty.
Throughout May and June 2012 you can bring your pets' vaccinations up-to-date for only £19.99.
Any pet missing their booster injection can receive a full new complete course, paying only for the first injection, and at the same time receive a free pet health check.
Book your appointment today by calling 02476 464789.
This offer is available at all 3 of our sites - 255 Broad Lane and 332 Radford Road, Coventry, and 384a Kenilworth Road, Balsall Common.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Vets go back to school

You never stop learning - that's what our vets said today after taking part in an advanced ultrasound  workshop at the practice. Andrew Parry, a specialist in imaging from Willows Referrals, put them through their paces learning new techniques using the practice ultrasound machine.
Ultrasound scans are painless and safe. They use sound waves to create images of organs and stuctures inside your body. As it is sound waves and not radiation, it has not been found to cause any problems or complications.
Ultrasound can be used to detect abnormalities in internal organs, such as the liver, gallbladder and bowels.
All clinical staff having received updates in their radiography knowledge a few months ago, following installation of our new digital xray suite, we are going from strength to strength.      

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Our fourth Vet Idol entrant to reach the final

Fraya, a beautiful 3 year old female cat, was brought into Broad Lane Vets one Friday night in November last year. She was collapsed and bleeding heavily from her mouth and eye, following a suspected road traffic accident. She was treated for shock and stabilised on an intravenous drip overnight. The folowing day xray investigation revealed severe head trauma. She had suffered a blow of quite some force, resulting in multiple jaw fractures, huge swelling of her tongue, and bruising to her eye. She was very lucky to have survived. O ne jaw fracture was surgically repaired, but the other injuries were more complex, and so she was moved to an Orthopaedic Referral Centre for specialist treatment. Due to her extensive facial injuries Fraya required a feeding tube to be inserted directly into her stomach. This allowed any food given to bypass her mouth, allowing her tongue and jaw time to heal. She was hospitalised for several days, and once home her owners had to learn how to feed her through this tube. She was cared for this way for nearly 2 months. Fraya is still under regular veterinary treatment but she had her stomach tube removed recently and her
injuries are now healing. She is certainly a much happier lady than when she came into us that cold dark Autumn night, and thanks to her owners' dedication she is well on the road to recovery.    

Monday, 12 March 2012

Bessie is the third Broad Lane Vets pet to reach the Vet Idol Final

Enjoying her regular walk in December Bessie stopped suddenly, and closed her eye. Her horrified owner investigated to find a stick poking out of her eye! Arriving at our emergency vets Bessie was in severe pain, but still, as always, wagging her tail. Bessie was rushed into theatre and rapidly anaesthetised. The stick was carefully removed along with multiple fragments of stick.
A further stick was stuck across the eye's cornea itself requiring removal.
Bessie had to return to the surgery daily for further care as the eye is such a delicate organ. Antibiotics, pain killers and eye drops were given several times a day by her worried owners. Still very sore we slowly saw her improve. A further operation was required to tidy up her damaged eye. Amazingly two weeks later she came in still wagging her tail, but this time with two big brown eyes wide open.   

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Our second Vet Idol Finalist

Monty is the second pet to reach the Coventry Telegraph Vet Idol Final. Monty is a cheeky little much-loved working cocker spaniel. Although only 3 years old, he has spent rather a lot of time at Broad Lane Vets. We first met him when he was only 6 months old, after he was attacked by 3 dogs, when out on a family walk. He presented collapsed with multiple wounds on his hindlegs and chest. After intensive care, an operation and an overnight stay he was well enough to go home. Then he returned having eaten the first of many things he shouldn't, which necessitated x-rays and medical treatment. He continued to find pretty much anything that didn't move appetising - chip shop wrappers, mobile phones and pin cushions were amongst his favourites. This had led to him undergoing 3 more investigations at Broad Lane Vets, all related to eating non-food objects.  He has also needed treatment after stealing a shoe and injuring his eye in an ownership tug of war. In amongst all of this it had become apparent Monty's vital bits had not properly developed, and so he underwent an operation to remove a testicle from his abdomen, to prevent it turning cancerous. Despite his any visits, Monty doesn't seem to hold a grudge. And after every stay with us he certainly makes the most of it; his "parents" tell us he has to lie between them on the sofa, and refuses food unless hanfed - seems like Monty has us all wrapped around his little paw.      

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Congratulations to our Coventry Telegraph Vet Idol Finalists

Congratulations to all the pets who took part in Vet Idol, in conjuction with the Coventry Telegraph. Four of our client's pets have reached the final. Well done to Bonkers, Monty, Fraya and Bessie.
Over the next few days we will blog their stories in case you missed Saturday's paper.
Well today we will start with Bonkers.
Bonkers, as his name suggests, is a real character. This black labrador used to arrive at Broad Lane Vets, attempt to hurdle the reception desk and then stick his wet nose on the computer keyboard hoping to receive a treat from a member of the reception team. He started his visits to us as a 'Hairy Hero', regularly attending our Pet Blood Bank donor sessions, and saving the lives of many dogs through his blood donations. If we needed a an emergency donor we knew we could call Bonkers and his mum to help at any time. However one day it was Bonkers who needed help. He developed lameness and was so uncomfortable he was referred to an orthopaedic specialist, being diagnosed with osteoarthritis at only 4 years of age. No more launching himself at the reception desk... Now it was our turn to take the treat to him. However in the last year his treats have had to stop too, as Bonkers has developed gastro-intestinal problems. At times these have been so severe that he needs hospitalising and placing on intravenous drips - sometimes he is so poorly even his tail stops wagging. His mum knows the signs to look out for but it's easier said than done stopping a labrador eating things he shouldn't. It's always great to see him recovered and well enough to go home, even if it with a big bag of pills - up to 12 a day for mum to give.     

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Vets issues urgent health warning to all dog owners

Following a recent local outbreak of parvovirus we are calling on all local dog owners to check their pet's vaccinations are up-to-date. Parvovirus is a deadly disease in dogs and can kill 2-3 days after the first symptoms show. The only way to protect your pet is through vaccination. Over the past month at Broad Lane Vets we have treated 3 puppies with parvovirus. If your pet's vaccines have lapsed we would recommend keeping them at home until you are able to get to your vets. As with most diseases the sooner you treat your pet the better the chance of recovery, and you will help prevent the disease spreading further. Parvovirus symptoms such as vomitting, diarrhoea, lethargy, fever and dehydration come on quickly. If you see any of these symptoms contact us quickly. Fortunately this is not an outbreak situation, but as parvovirus is such a virilent virus we need owners to be aware now. The virus can live in the environment for a long time, is hard to eliminate and can easily spread through the faeces of infected dogs, can survive on everyday objects such as shoes and lamp-posts. Sadly this danger will not pass in a c-uple of days. For further advice call us on 0247-464789.

Disease outbreak - Parvovirus

Monday, 16 January 2012

Congratulations Christine

Christine, our Head Receptionist, today received her Level 2 Advanced Apprenticeship in Customer Care. Congratulations to her as this has taken 12 months of work.
As a practice we view Customer Care highly and pride ourselves in the additional courses all our staff do to improve their skills and knowledge. Our team receive regular training to keep them up-to-date.
Our receptionists have all previously worked in a customer focused or a medical background.
The reception team are the face of Broad Lane Vets, working alongside the Nurses and Vets to deliver great customer and pet care. They are so much more than receptionists, requiring an understanding of veterinary knowledge to deliver you the correct advice on the phone or in person. They are organised, compassionate and calm as the average day at Broad Lane Vets is anything but 'normal'. No two days are never the same, and we all appreciate their calm and confident manner staff, clients and pets alike.
Congratulations Chris - level 3 here she comes!!